13 November 2011

New beginnings

I've become an avid reader of the "Over Kellet View" in the last few months,after seeing an article about the possibility of allotments in the village.Things then seemed to drag on until it was announced that there would be a site visit and meeting on the 12th November this year.I duly turned up at the site behind Church Bank yesterday and then attended the meeting in the Village Hall between the potential allotment holders, various Parish Councillors and advisers.

When I viewed the land in the summer it looked quite a small area but now that the leaves have gone from the thick hedgerows it seems a lot bigger and those who are interested look like getting a decent sized plot.The existing driveway area will probably remain intact and the old garage bases used for sheds,greenhouses and parking.

The lease arrangements between the Parish and City Councils still need to be finalised but let's hope that we can get on with forming an Allotment Association and start work on clearing the land fairly soon. Maybe I'll be planting something by Easter 2012?

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