24 October 2013

Late October colours on the plot

I've been doing an Autumn tidy up ,clearing the spent bean and sweetcorn plants and putting a layer of horse manure on any freed up areas that will have brassica,beans and potatoes on them next year.Today's warm ,dry and windless weather was perfect for completing the T shaped membrane path on the lower half of the plot. I'm quite pleased with this simple path system as it gives good access to the plot without sacrificing too much of the growing area.

There's still a colourful display of seasonal veg including : scarlet ,red ursa and cavolo nero kales; radicchio; gold, pink ,rhubarb and green chards ; parsnips and leeks.


New asparagus bed

The leeks look bigger now that I've weeded them


Sue Garrett said...

We were pulling up beans and sweet corn yesterday too Your plot looks great

Peggy said...

Your plot is looking good, Ive been meaning to get up to the plot to tidy up before winter but every day seems to have just gone by or else the weather is against me! The only winter veg we have are Sprouts, leeks and over wintering onions.

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